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I am a vibrant, queer magick-making being, with two dogs, deep thoughts, out and about tryin to get a rhyme any time I see fine to crack into a crystal with my grounding Divine, praying from a beating heart from loving all the signs. I find the time to honor the night, and the shadows for all they deliver in and out of sight. They try to fright, but they forget with me, I fight with might and they're always defeated by Light.


I am a survivor, a writer, a thriver, a diver of the deep.

A poet, a story-teller, a dancer, a lover, and a freak.


I am an employee of the Universe, a protector of Mother Earth, 

her inhabitants, in land and of seas. 


I am a fighter, a feather, holder of secrets we all keep. 

I am open and expansive and private in my peace.


I am this journey, this relationship, this face that I keep.

From ancestors of countries, the messages in my blood I set free.

I am liberation in freedom and spiritual retreat, 

I am intuitive movement and vivacious reprieve. 


I am wild and I am calmness. I am playful, I am fierce,

I've fought and I've healed to feel happy. 

I am honor. I am Truth. I am a Goddess in the making. 



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